Medotilglobal Healthcare
  • Established InEstablished in:2003
  • No. of BedsNo. of Beds:276+
  • No. of DoctorsNo. of Doctors:0+
  • Accredited ByAccredited by:
  • Near By AirportNear By Airport: Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International Airport, Ahmedabad
  • LocationLocation: Plot No.1A, Bhat GIDC Estate Dist. Airport Gandhinagar Road, Dist. Gandhinagar, Ahmedabad - 382428 Gujarat
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About Apollo Hospitals, Ahmedabad

Apollo Hospitals Ahmedabad operates as a leading Ahmedabad multispeciality hospital that delivers top-level medical care within different healthcare fields. The medical institution launched in 2003 maintains a status of quality leadership in its cardiac care departments alongside its oncology services and neurology programs along with orthopedic facilities gastroenterology services and organ transplant programs. Its state-of-the-art technologies work hand in hand with experienced medical specialists to deliver complete treatments establishing Apollo Hospitals as a respected healthcare institution in the area. This Ahmedabad multispeciality hospital executes minimally invasive surgical operations together with robotic procedures and complicated treatments which yield quick patient recovery and improved medical results. The patient-inspired healthcare approach at Apollo Hospitals positions it as an organization that leads quality healthcare standards. The hospital operates as Ahmedabad's best multispecialty medical institution while establishing an ongoing dedication to delivering cost-effective healthcare for all patients.

Medotil's Promise: No hidden charges

Rest assured, no additional cost will be incurred from our end because your health is priceless.

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Medotil's Promise: No hidden charges

Rest assured, no additional cost will be incurred from our end because your health is priceless.

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