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What are the factors that make India ideal for medical treatment?


The cost of medical care is a big reason why people travel abroad for 
treatment. Getting medical care in a developed country can be much more expensive than in a developing country. It's common for people to save up to 80% on medical expenses by getting treatment abroad instead of in their home country.

Medical treatment in India costs much less than in Western countries like the United States and the United Kingdom, about one-sixth of the price. India o ers high-quality medical treatments at a ordable prices. Whether you need advanced surgeries or prefer gentle Ayurveda detox, India caters to diverse needs and budgets.


Medical Treatment Cost Comparison

Procedure USA Costa Rica India Korea Thailand Mexico
Heart Surgery $150,000 $24,500 $4,200 $28,900 $15,121 $27,000
Angioplasty $32,000 $14,000 $1800 $15,200 $13,000 $12,500
Heart Valve Replacement $170,000 $30,000 $5,500 $43,500 $21,212 $18,000
Hip Replacement $50,000 $12,500 $7,000 $14,120 $7,879 $13,000
Spinal Fusion $100,000 $11,500 $6,500 $15,400 $9,091 $12,000
Hysterectomy $15,000 $5,700 $2,500 $11,000 $2,727 $5,800
Gastric Bypass $32,972 $12,500 $5,000 $N/A $16,667 $10,950
Liposuction $9,000 $3,900 $2,800 $N/A $2,303 $2,800
Gastric Sleeve $28,700 $10,500 $5,000 $N/A $13,636 $9,995
IVF Treatment $N/A $2,800 $3,250 $2,180 $9,091 $3,950

Less Waiting Period

 In countries with a "Universal healthcare system," everyone, 
regardless of wealth or status, may face waiting periods of 3 months to 1 year for their planned surgeries. As a result, People choose to explore beyond their home country in pursuit of reduced waiting times.

Does India have a waiting period for treatment?

India's healthcare system has become an Ideal destination for the world. In India, there is no concept of a waiting period for treatment, and you can have direct access to treatment as per your suitability.

The mentioned Healthcare accommodation capacity gives India the strength of zero waiting time for treatment.

  • Asia’s largest hospital is in India. (Amrita Hospital Delhi NCR)
  •  The World’s 2nd biggest hospital campus in terms of bed capacity is in India. (King George’s Medical University Lucknow) 
  • 15 out of the top 50 hospital campuses with a capacity of more than 1,500 beds are in India.
  • 70000 Hospitals are available in India.
  •  As per WHO, India ranks 2nd in the world for the maximum number of hospitals in a country.
Less Waiting Period

Latest Technology in Healthcare

Healthcare technology encompasses a broad range of tools and systems, such as medical devices, IT infrastructure, algorithms, artificial intelligence (AI), cloud computing, and blockchain, all aimed at enhancing the operations of healthcare institutions. Nowadays technology has become a prominent part of any treatment procedure and is responsible for gaining the attention of patients.

Does India have access to the latest technology in healthcare?

India is often perceived as lacking in technology, but that's a myth. While Western countries are preferred for emergencies and rare diseases, India offers comparable quality and advanced medical care. You name any world-class technology either for treatment or for diagnostics, You can easily get it in India.

Let me show you a few of the examples below

India has the World’s best surgical robots.

  • Da Vinci® Surgical Robot.
  • ROSA® Robotics.
  • Perlove Medical Robot.
  • CorPath GRX Precision Vascular Robotic.
  • Medical Neurosurgical Robert Remebot.
  • Mazor Robotics.
  • TiRobot Orthopaedic Surgery Robot System.
  • Robotic-Arm Assisted Surgery.

Note: There are around 1700 Da Vinci robots installed in the world out of which 150 are in India.

India has already made its own Surgical Robot SSI Mantra(FDA Approved)
India is among the only 12 countries with CAR-T cell therapy for cancer treatment.
India is on the list of countries that have successfully done hand transplantation.
India has performed the World’s first remote heart robotic surgery.
India has made the world’s first COVID-19 vaccine for children.

These are just very few examples to give you an idea about India's strength in the healthcare sector.

Latest Technology in Healthcare

International standard Medical facilities

When it comes to the question of medical facilities everyone relates it to the hospitals and wants the best of the best facilities like cleanliness, professional staff , prompt services, the latest technologies for treatment and diagnostics and precise Doctors and starts comparing the facilities with Western hospitals.

Meanwhile, medical facilities include, the number of hospitals, quality of hospitals, medical innovations, healthcare achievements etc.

Does India have international standard healthcare facilities?

India has a vast network of hospitals and healthcare facilities that can compete with the Western countries. India's healthcare industry has grown significantly, with many hospitals obtaining international certifications and accreditations.

 India has doubled its number of hospitals in the last 10 years. In fact, in the COVID-19 crisis, India was able to help 90 countries despite its vast population. This shows their commitment and capacity to provide top-quality medical services.

  • India has 53 JCI-approved accredited hospitals out of 963 in the world, which ensures the state of art facilities and cutting-edge technologies for every treatment.
  • India has 1354 NABH-accredited hospitals which ensure the international standard of commitment towards the patients.
  • India is the vaccine capital of the world producing 60% of the world’s vaccines.
  •  India is also known as the Pharmacy of the world, As India exports its drug to 200 countries.

("JCI is a leading and world-renowned healthcare accreditor focusing on patient safety and quality improvement.")

International standard Medical facilities

Highly Qualified Medical Professionals

All the technologies and infrastructure are worthless if highly profound and experienced doctors are not there. 

In many countries, patients prefer to travel to di erent destinations in search of experienced doctors only. As medicine is a Field of expertise, People want experienced doctors with profound expertise in their field.

Does India have Highly Qualified Medical Professionals?

 Yes, Indian Medical professionals have been leading the world for ages. And now in the modern era of the world Indian doctors are globally renowned for their e ciency and proficiency. Many top hospitals in the developed West owe their reputation to Indian-origin 
medical staff.

Indian healthcare providers encounter a diverse range of cases, contributing to their extensive experience. Additionally, Indian medical students undergo rigorous training, further enhancing their expertise. As a result, patients from around the world seek medical treatment in India, drawn by the combination of quality care and a ordability.

  • Indian rishi Sushruta is known as the “Father of surgeries”.
  • Out of 10 lacs, almost 85000 Doctors are of Indian origin in the USA.
  • NEET, The UG medical entrance exam is one of the toughest exams in the world.
  • Heart bypass treatment in India has a success rate of about 98% which is much higher than most of the developed countries.
  • India ranked no. 7 for the best medical tourism destination in the world.
  • Treatment of black fever was discovered by Indian Doctor Upendranath Brahmachari.

In almost every Western country 2nd highest nationality of Docorts belongs to India.



Highly Qualified Medical Professionals

Language proficiency

When we talk about medical tourism, language plays a very important role. To get the right treatment, Firstly person needs to explain the issue and if the language gap is there it becomes di cult to communicate and understand the problem and procedures. That’s the reason why people usually choose countries where English is commonly spoken.

Does India have language barriers for medical tourism?

No, In fact, India is claimed to be the second-largest English-speaking country.

India is a country, That believes in “One World One Nation” and hence you can find here all the religions and communities living together in harmony. That's why In India you can easily find Language interpreters. English, Persian, Arabic, Urdu, and Bangla are the most commonly used languages in India and you can easily get professional interpreters in hospitals for the rest of the languages like Spanish, French, German, Japanese, Korean etc. That is the reason patients are choosing India as their preferred medical tourism destination.

Not only language, India’s rich ethnicity of cultural diversity also provide a home-like feeling to the patients. We strongly believe in “Atithi devo bhava” means guests are equal to gods.



Language proficiency

Flight connectivities and local transportation

In the journey of medical treatment flight connectivity and local transport play an important role as the person su ering from any medical condition wants smooth local transportation and direct flight 
connectivity to minimise the hassle during the travel time.

Does India have direct flight connectivities and a good local Transportation system?

Yes, India is a country with 34 international Airports that provide the facilities of direct flights to all the metro cities where you can plan for treatment.

Not only Flights but India has Ranked as 2nd largest Road network in the world.

Both these factors attract medical tourists from around the world towards India. In fact, Delhi the capital of India alone has 172 Hospitals which is the highest in the world for a single city.

Flight connectivities and local transportation

Internet Access

Yes you read it right, as in today’s Globe Internet is one of the most 
important requirements for anyone.

The internet is an important tool for communication. It allows people to connect with others across long distances and in local communities. It makes it easy to share information globally and collaborate on knowledge. Additionally, it provides quick access to a wide range of information and resources, making it possible to find answers to almost any question in a short time.

That’s why in di erent countries internet plays a role like a best friend, especially when you are planning for medical treatment there.

Does India have access to Good internet?

Yes, India has now become “Digital India”.

You can use the Internet in any corner of the country. The cost of the internet is very low in India. In fact, In around 5 dollars you can have access to unlimited internet for a month due
to which the a ordability of the internet increased and now India is ranked as the world’s 3rd most a affordable internet provider country.

You will be surprised to know that 75% of total Indian transactions in India done through the online UPI methods.

India Ranks No. 1 for Digital payments in the world.

When it comes to the metro cities where a person can plan for the treatment, Access to the internet cannot even be part of the concern.

Internet Access

Holistic and wellness tourism

Holistic and wellness tourism refers to the practice of travelling in search of Health, Spirituality, culture, landscape and the experience beyond the simple contact with places people and landscapes.

It is commonly seen When people travel to di erent countries for medical treatment, They also plan for local tourism after their recovery.

In some cases, they plan for holistic and wellness tourism and combine some minor treatments with it. Because they save almost 60% to 80% in the cost of treatment, it becomes a win-win situation for them.

Does India Have Good Options for Holistic and Wellness Tourism?

Yes, India is not just a good option for Holistic and wellness tourism but also the epicentre of it.

India has a rich tradition of holistic wellness practices, including Ayurveda, Yoga, meditation, and traditional spa therapies and along with that, India’s cultural diversity, Heritage monuments and stunning natural landscape attractions attract visitors from around the world.

  • India is an all-weather country. Here you can find all the weather at the same time at di erent beautiful locations.
  • India is a country With 42 UNESCO World Heritage sites.
  • Ayurveda is the earliest school of medicine known to mankind. The Father of Medicine, Charaka, consolidated Ayurveda 2500 years ago.
  • The world's first university was established in Takshila in 700 BC. More than 10500 students from all over the world used to study there.
  • The Baily Bridge is the highest Bridge in the world. It is located in the Ladakh Valley between the Dras and Suru rivers
  • The four religions born in India - Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism, are followed by 25% of the world's population.
  • The oldest European church and synagogue in India are in the city of Cochin. They were built in 1503 and 1568 respectively.
  • Martial arts were first created in India and later spread to Asia by Buddhist missionaries. 
  • Yoga has its origins in India and has existed for over 5000 years.
  • Varanasi, also known as Benaras, was called "the Ancient City" when Lord Buddha visited it in 500 B.C. and is the oldest, continuously inhabited city in the world today.
Holistic and wellness tourism