Medotilglobal Healthcare
  • Established InEstablished in:2001
  • No. of BedsNo. of Beds:70+
  • No. of DoctorsNo. of Doctors:+
  • Accredited ByAccredited by:
  • Near By AirportNear By Airport: Swami Vivekananda Airport, Raipur
  • LocationLocation: Seepat Road, Bilaspur (C.G.) – 495001, INDIA
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About Apollo Hospitals Bilaspur

Apollo Hospitals Bilaspur, one of the best hospital in Bilaspur functions as a premier multi-specialty healthcare institution which stands out because of its exceptional medical care capabilities. The hospital began operations in October 2001 and has since become recognized as Bilaspur's most advanced healthcare facility available with sophisticated medical treatment choices. The hospital maintains an expert medical team together with advanced technology to deliver a comprehensive service range covering cardiology, neurology, nephrology, orthopedics, gastroenterology, and other specialties. The best hospital in Bilaspur offers patient-centered care including high-quality treatment and emergency services and critical care medical support. The medical establishment operates a staffed 70-bed intensive care unit in addition to its 20-bed neonatal intensive care unit which provides specialized treatment to serious patients. Patients identify this hospital as the best hospital in Bilaspur while keeping medical treatments of world-class standards accessible through affordable pricing. Thousands of patients select Apollo Hospitals as their top medical facility in Bilaspur to receive better healthcare results.

Medotil's Promise: No hidden charges

Rest assured, no additional cost will be incurred from our end because your health is priceless.

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Medotil's Promise: No hidden charges

Rest assured, no additional cost will be incurred from our end because your health is priceless.

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