Medotilglobal Healthcare
Apollo Hospitals, Greams Road
  • Established InEstablished in:1983
  • No. of BedsNo. of Beds:550+
  • No. of DoctorsNo. of Doctors:60+
  • Accredited ByAccredited by:JCI and NABH
  • Near By AirportNear By Airport: Chennai International Airport
  • LocationLocation: 21, Greams Lane, Off Greams Road, Chennai – 600 006
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About Apollo Hospitals, Greams Road

Apollo Hospitals in Greams Road Chennai is one of the best hospitals in India due to its advanced healthcare facilities and patient-oriented services alongside innovative medical technologies. Since 1983 Apollo Hospitals has established influential medical benchmarks while providing superior worldwide treatments in cardiology, oncology, neurology, and organ transplantation clinical areas. International and domestic patients prefer Apollo Hospitals as their global destination for obtaining superior healthcare services. The exceptional combination of experienced doctors alongside sophisticated medical facilities enables Apollo Hospitals to achieve status among the best hospitals in India by offering complete treatment programs. The hospital leads the field in medical innovation while maintaining exposure to state-of-the-art diagnostic and surgical equipment and developing new medical procedure innovations. The mission of Apollo Hospitals Greams Road as one of the best hospitals in India focuses on achieving maximum patient outcomes. Apollo Hospitals maintains its position as a top specialized medical treatment facility in India through its dedication to medical innovation and care delivery.

Medotil's Promise: No hidden charges

Rest assured, no additional cost will be incurred from our end because your health is priceless.

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Medotil's Promise: No hidden charges

Rest assured, no additional cost will be incurred from our end because your health is priceless.

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