Medotilglobal Healthcare Medotilglobal Healthcare
Medotilglobal Healthcare
Apollo Hospitals Navi Mumbai
  • Established InEstablished in:
  • No. of BedsNo. of Beds:500+
  • No. of DoctorsNo. of Doctors:0+
  • Accredited ByAccredited by:JCI and NABH
  • Near By AirportNear By Airport: Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport, Mumbai
  • LocationLocation: Plot #13, Parsik Hill Rd, off Uran Road, opp. Nerul Wonders Park, Sector 23, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra 400614
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About Apollo Hospitals Navi Mumbai

The Apollo Hospitals Navi Mumbai serves as one of the big hospitals in Mumbai which provides worldwide standard healthcare treatment in various specialization areas. Since 2016 Apollo Hospitals has installed all modern medical platforms alongside highly qualified medical personnel. This big hospital in Mumbai offers state-of-the-art care for patients with conditions related to heart diseases, brain disorders, cancer, stomach-related issues, and disorders of bones and organs. Apollo Hospitals maintains 500 beds while providing top-quality medical services and specialized critical illness treatment. The healthcare sector trusts Apollo Hospitals because of its advanced ICU facilities and contemporary operation theaters together with its skilled emergency care services. Under the category of big hospitals in Mumbai, Apollo Hospitals Navi Mumbai delivers healthcare services built to international standards and provides preventative and curative treatments to patients.

Medotil's Promise: No hidden charges

Rest assured, no additional cost will be incurred from our end because your health is priceless.

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Medotil's Promise: No hidden charges

Rest assured, no additional cost will be incurred from our end because your health is priceless.

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